10 points for anyone who got the reference.
Sometimes the best things in life are dangerously explosive. Case in point Spud guns. In fact spud guns are so awesome that they may replace cake batter ice cream as the greatest non-sentient things on the planet. The jury is still out though.
How can a few pieces of PVC pipe, a BBQ lighter and a potato be so awesome? Well you can't really explain the joy and fulfillment in life when, after a surprising loud BOOM, a potato flies off into the sunset. At that moment in time you know that life is good.
Since spud guns are a right of passage into to boyhood, I think that an already awesome adolescence is at long last complete.
Even though a spud gun is an incredibly simple contraption I still owe a lot of thank yous.
Danyell; Who went to Home Depot while I was at work and bought all the parts I needed.
The Home Depot Guy; Who helped Danyell get all the parts.
Jon and Lenzi Van Wagoner; With out their lawn and various flammable liquids the spud gun would still be only a dream.
Thanks Guys!
In conclusion, spud guns are freakin awesome! Everyone should at one time or another shoot a spud gun.
Your Guide for life,
-Ryan Mahoney
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